A super Perch of 1lb. 9oz. from Lidingö today....
1lb. 3oz. Perch, the last of the evening.....
Just an ounce under the pound mark at 15oz., a very slim fish this one!
A really good evening at Lidingö today, the
Perch really have arrived in numbers now. Three decent fish were taken on live
Loi, which were easily caught on the float today. In addition to the fish photographed above a total of five other runs were also missed, two on the roving float fished bait later in the evening and three on legered baits.
All the above fish were taken on the bottom on the legered bait. All were taken on a simple trace with just a single hook, a size 4 lip hooked live bait and the same rod accounting for all three fish. The other rod was rigged with a treble hook set up and several takes on livebaits were dropped before a run developed, which leaves me thinking the fish felt the hooks. Will be fishing with singles from now on as a result, as there was no problems hooking the fish with this set up at all, the baits all taken confidently head first and striking immediatly resulted in nicely mouth hooked fish.
Fished at a different spot to usual today aftr the favoured area was occupied on arrival, this was a sroke of fortune as it turned out as I managed to find a much more suitable spot for fishing with space for up to four anglers. Baitfish easily caught here and there were plenty of Perch in the area. Surely a few two pounders to be had over the next couple of months, perhaps even a three pounder....